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/ Director, Enterprise Solution & Marketing of Bsi Group



/Director of Fex Co

[July 2019 to July 2020 ]

/Regional Sales Managers of AirPlus International

[July 2017 to June 2019]


Mr. Raymond Lui is the Director of Enterprise Solution and Marketing at British Standard Institution (BSI). As a noteworthy leader of a global leading certification body, driving ESG initiative is his top priority for the key business development strategy. Raymond is on a mission to help enterprises to integrate sustainability practices into their finance and business model. From his perspective, sustainability-orientated business not only resolves the great Environment, Society and Governance (ESG) challenges globally, but also benefits enterprises and investors financially. He dives into deep learning the economic implications of sustainable entrepreneurship, industry standards, public policy as well as social impact. He also promotes ESG model simplification and helps local enterprises to adopt international standard in “Carbon Naturality”.  

Raymond is GBA Carbon Neutrality Association Strategic member & advisor, Hong Kong Green Finance Association member, British Chamber Sustainability & Education committee. He is also BSI lead applicant of Hong Kong Monetary Authority Green Finance Grant Scheme External Reviewer, United Nation Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Verifier Verra Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Verifier. Also, he was awarded the ISO 14064 Green House Gas Measurement Implementation, ISO 5001 Energy Management Implementation, ISO 27001 Information Security Lead Auditor qualifications. 


Apart from ESG, Raymond has over 10 years experiences in digital transformation as a business advisory. He takes the lead of devising strategies for hundreds of organisations in integrated communication technology and payment system. His business acumen and advisory capacity lead to his success in IOT business projects and mobility solutions. 

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