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As a research scientist, technologist, educator and activist, the Hong Kong Solar Energy Application Association provides renewable energy technologies and solutions for climate action in Hong Kong, which will have an impact over the next five years, and the 2019 conference will focus on these themes.

HK-Solar represents the scientists, educators, and activists who can provide renewable energy technologies and solutions for climate action in the Hong Kong that will have an impact within the next five years.  The HK-SOLAR The 2019 Conference will focus on those strategies.

The Hong Kong Solar Energy Application Association's 2019 conference will be held in Hong Kong to implement climate action. Even though Hong Kong has enacted climate policy in recent years, which has provided some assistance to the development of solar and community solar, it is obviously limited. We hope that all industry ideas and solutions presented at the conference can and must be implemented across the city. The Hong Kong Solar Energy Application Association is proud to participate in hosting this important conference on taking climate action. ​

Immediate climate action requires many strategies: electricity supply (residential, commercial, industrial) utility-scale solar; powering the economy (transportation, residential, business, buildings); public support (social media, mass media, education) ; individual actions (renewable energy opportunities, energy efficiency, electric vehicles). All should focus on taking meaningful action over the next five years.

Of course, traditional learning and solar networking were also included in the conference, as well as an opening reception, association caucus, social education and annual membership meeting, awards banquet and fellows reception. The Hong Kong Solar Energy Application Association continues to devote itself to organizing various auxiliary activities, ranging from electric vehicle demonstrations to solar energy products, technical training programs, and launching a solar energy society in Hong Kong.

The HK-SOLAR 2019 Conference will be held in Hong Kong for taking climate action. Hong Kong has enaced climate policies that have provided some hand in the growth of solar power and community solar but was too limited. But the strategies and solutions that will be presented at the conference can – and must – be implemented across the city. HK-Solar is pleased to host this important conference on taking climate action.

Many strategies will be necessary to take immediate climate action: Electricity supply (residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale solar; electrifying the economy (transportation, homes, businesses, buildings); public support (social media; popular press, education); personal actions (renewable energy opportunities; energy efficiency, electric vehicles). All focused on taking meaningful action within the next five years.

Of course, the HK-Solar traditions for learning and networking will be included in the conference: Opening Reception, Caucus, society Education and Annual Membership Meeting, Awards Banquet and Fellows Reception.

HK-Solar is looking forward to organizing a variety of ancillary events to offer, from the electric vehicle display to the solar-powered products to technical training programs, solar-powered society, and more, to a birth of the Solar Energy Society in Hong Kong.

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