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New solar technology could be the next big driver

Time: 2019/1/29 13:59:50 Source: Mobile China Author: Views: 2 times

Across the globe, a range of companies from Oxford, England to Redwood, California are working to bring the newsolar energy" target="_blank">The commercialization of solar energy technology will further promote the application of renewable energy generation. OxfordPV is a start-up company in partnership with Oxford University. Earlier this year, it received $3 million from the UK government to use In the U.S., a company called SwiftSolar raised $7 million two days ago to put the same technology to market.

this newPhotovoltaicThe technology, known as perovskite cells, uses a hybrid organic-inorganic lead or tin halide material as the light-harvesting active layer. This is the first time a new technology has been proposed in many years that could provide better light-to-electricity efficiency at a lower cost than existing technologies.


Sam Stranks, SwedSolar's chief scientific advisor and one of the co-founders, said in TedTalk, "What really excites me: These thin crystalline films are made by mixing two inexpensive rich salts that can be deposition, which means that perovskite solar panels could cost less than half of their counterparts.”

Japanese researchers first incorporated solar cells into solar cells in 2009, and perovskite solar cells are inefficient and lack stability and are widely used in manufacturing. But over the past nine years, researchers have continued to improve the stability of the compounds used and the electrical energy efficiency of these solar cells. OxfordPV in the UK is currently working on developing solar cells that can achieve 37% conversion efficiency, which is much higher than existing polycrystalline photovoltaic or thin-film solar cells.

The new technology also faces risks, but, to attract buyers, the promise of vastly improved cost-efficiency technology has investors again pouring money into chemistry that replaces solar energy. OxfordPV has set a world-leading efficiency mark for perovskite cells at 27.3%. This is 4% higher than existing monocrystalline silicon panels.

"Today, our pilot line is producing perovskite-silicon-based tandem solar cells, and we are optimizing equipment and processes in preparation for commercial deployment," Chris Case, OxfordPV's chief technology officer, said in a statement.

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