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Photovoltaic industry trends

政府今年將會與中電及港燈就管制計劃協議進行中期檢討,工聯會立法會議員陸頌雄提出無約束力議員議案,促請開放電力市場及檢討協議。有議員提出修正案認為毋須降低 8%的准許回報率,最終被否決。立法會議員(選舉委員會)林筱魯:「准許回報率是固定資產淨值的百分之八,
假設將准許回報由百分之八減至百分之七,但容許固定資產由一千億增加至二千億,最終大家都要多付電費。 」立法會議員(商界第二)廖長江:「政府應該考慮以固定資產平均值去計准許回報率是否合理,以及應否下調百分之八的准許回報率。」

智通財經 APP 獲悉,6 月 12 日消息,能鏈智電(NAAS.US)發布公告,其全資子公司 DadaAuto 與香港領先的太陽能光伏産品一站式服務供應商——香港光電控股有限公司(Sinopower Holdings International Co.Limited,以下簡稱“香港光電”)及其股東已簽署協議,能鏈智電將通過 DadaAuto 收購香港光電 89.99%的股權,總對價約 610 萬美元,收購交易預計在本月內完成交割。

宏利宣布將推出 ESG 主題的強積金成分基金,全面融合三大可持續性因素,包括環境(E)、社會(S)和企業管治(G)元素。

宏利一直致力進行有責任的投資,而 ESG 元素有助強化我們作為主動型基金經理的實力。在亞太區,我們看到決策者、企業和投資者對可持續發展的關注急速上升,特別是在新冠疫情後的新常態環境之下。我們相信,亞洲可持續發展的迅速增長能帶來吸引的投資機遇、有助為投資者帶來潛在的多元化和長綫可持續投資表現。


香港大學正擬於深圳南山設立深圳分校,經管學院已率先進駐福田中心區,院長兼經濟學講座教授蔡洪濱在專訪指,深圳校區逾 12000 平方米,可同時容納3000 人上課。他指新校區與港大本部校園車程不到一小時,兩地師生可以即日往返,選址亦便利聯繫大灣區內地城市;學院打通港深兩地的教學資源,加上與當地高科技公司、初創企業合作交流,學生更願意在深圳校區上課。

今日是世界環境日,香港科技園公司(科技園公司)公布「淨零排放 2045」願景詳細內容,冀於 2045 年前達到科學基礎減量目標倡議(SBTi)提出的淨零排放標準,並與政府公布的《香港氣候行動藍圖 2050》目標一致,推動香港成為國際綠色科技和綠色金融中心。科技園公司行政總裁黃克強表示:「是次訂立進取減碳目標,期望能為業界發揮帶頭作用。」

全球面對人口持續增長及減碳兩大問題,施羅德投資環球資源股票投資組合經理 Alex Monk 認為,環球能源、食品及水系統均面對大型轉型問題,要達至2050 年碳中和,再生能源領域所需的投資額高達約 100 萬億美元(約 780 萬億港元)。他稱,目前能源轉型仍處於初始階段,要推動能源轉型,可透過提高能耗效率、提升農業產量及生產效益、減少廢物排放量、減低碳排放等方式推行,而從長綫角度來看,相關股份的估值仍然合理。


正在重建,預料 2027 年投入運作的「元朗淨水設施」首次引入「好氧污水處理技術」,利用「好氧顆粒」污泥珠清潔,一站式處理污水,減少以往處理所需的空間,節省調節處理環境所需的電力,配合改善來去水設計,以及太陽能、污泥共厭氧發電技術。位於元朗工業邨,佔地 8.6 公頃的元朗污水處理廠運作逾30 年,2020 年底起原址重建,並提升污水處理水平,由第 2 級升至第 3 級,即可減少淨化水中 50%殘餘有機物,亦加大污水處理量,由每日 7 萬立方米增至10 萬立方米,成為「元朗淨水設施」,並首次應用「好氧顆粒污泥技術」。


益美國際(01870.HK) 0.000 (0.000%) 公布,其附屬信能中和已完成

「SUNEWTRAL」自主品牌商標在內地、香港及歐盟的註冊。於今年 10 月 31 日通過線上直播形式向全球發布產品品牌「SUNEWTRAL」,並向全球推出便攜式移動儲能 N 系列,N200、N600;快充 T 系列,T1000、T2200;便攜式太陽能發電板 S100 和 S140 系列。

近年市場對於社會責任、環境保護及可持續發展的關注度逐漸增加,ESG(環境、社會和企業管治)相關概念亦受追捧。在昨日國際金融領袖投資峰會上,紐約梅隆投資管理首席執行官 Hanneke Smits 表示,希望全世界市場監管者推出統一的準則,以強化投資者信心,相信能為許多有潛力的項目創造機會。

Standard Chartered CEO Win Toss: Hong Kong's economy has a strong foundation, and I believe that the future prospects will return to bright. In the world, affected by factors such as the energy crisis, the situation in the United Kingdom is even more difficult, but Hong Kong has never "turned off", so it is quite optimistic about Hong Kong's prospects. The virtual silver MOX, led by Standard Chartered Hong Kong, has been operating very successfully in Hong Kong. It has learned from this successful experience and copied it to Singapore.

In recent years, ESG financial products have sprung up. Some local banks have launched sustainable development savings accounts, promising to save for environmental protection and sustainable development projects; a number of companies have also launched ESG-related insurance products, and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange recently announced that through three Parts, that is, educate the market, establish a carbon market network and launch carbon products, and gradually build a carbon trading ecosystem in Hong Kong.

Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) has been developing for many years, and ESG-related bond issuance in Asia has accumulated a certain scale. Rating agency Fitch said that as investors pay more attention to sustainable financial development, relevant bond issuance in the region has increased. Volumes have been rising, and sometimes over-subscription has been recorded, reflecting the strong market demand and the expansion of the investor base from within Asia to the world. Fitch sees more demand for ESG ratings and certifications.

Hong Kong Wen Wei Po News (Reporter Zhuang Chengmin) Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) has become a key factor in promoting the sustainable development of Hong Kong's financial services industry, such as green and sustainable finance. However, the research conducted by the University of Hong Kong found that 38% of the surveyed companies are completely unfamiliar with ESG, 42% have some knowledge of ESG, and less than half of insurance/insurtech companies (46%) and credit and capital market companies (43%) understand ESG. Among companies that are practicing ESG or developing ESG-related businesses, 85% are applying or considering applying fintech in ESG. SMEs also appear to have a lower level of understanding of ESG than other companies.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the "Notice on Regulating the Administration of Priority Power Generation and Priority Power Purchase Plans" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which deeply links power reform with new energy consumption, clean energy It will usher in a year of explosion.

According to Reuters, Tesla and energy storage company Maxwell Technologies, Inc. have reached an acquisition agreement, the former will acquire the latter at a valuation of $218 million, which will be shared at $4.75 per share.

Foreign reports quoted an industry report saying that jobs in the U.S. solar industry decreased by 3.2% in 2018, shrinking for the second year in a row. Analysis indicated that the job losses were mainly due to the Trump administration’s policies.

On February 8, the US International Trade Commission (USITC) decided that the existing anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic and module products from China will continue to exist.

Severely soiled solar modules have always been and will always be a concern for PV plant owners. Transmission losses caused by soiled panels can vary widely, depending on the exact weather conditions, local terrain, angle of inclination, and even the type of panels installed.

On February 7, 2019, REC Group officially issued a press release, launching its new solar panel industry-leading disruptive change to customers, partners, employees and media around the world.

Meyer Burger, as the innovative technology partner for this revolutionary product, was highlighted in the press release.

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a photovoltaic cell that is so thin and thin that it is light and flexible, and they are as light as a feather and can even be placed on foam. Such thin batteries can be placed anywhere, from smart clothing to helium balloons.

Recently, Chongqing's first photovoltaic irrigation station, Wutong Temple photovoltaic irrigation station, was put into use in Qingjiang Town, Rongchang District. Different from traditional electric irrigation, this irrigation station uses solar energy to generate electricity through photovoltaic modules to provide power for pump units. While providing irrigation water for farmland continuously, it also saves farmers a lot of water costs.

The commercialization of organic polymer solar cells (PSCs) has been stagnant due to high raw material prices, short lifetimes, and low conversion efficiencies. But their light weight, transparency, flexibility and reel-to-reel production characteristics show a potential niche market opportunity.

Scientists at the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) have developed a new wet-chemical method to cut polycrystalline silicon wafers using diamond wire sawing technology and subsequently texture them to reduce reflectivity.

This wet-chemical method etches the wafer surface at the nanoscale feature scale, thereby increasing the number of times the light reflects off the surface and is absorbed by the wafer material. The process uses proprietary chemistries, is low-cost, scalable, and can be easily integrated into battery production lines.

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