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HK-Solar Conference


HK-Solar represents the scientists, educators, and activists who can provide renewable energy technologies and solutions for climate action in the Hong Kong that will have an impact within the next five years.  The HK-SOLAR 2019 Conference will focus on those strategies.

香港太陽能應用協會2019年會議將在香港選址舉行,目的落實採取針對氣候行動。 縱使香港近年已經制定了氣候政策,為太陽能和社區太陽能的發展提供了一些幫助,但是明顯地是有限的。 我們希望在會議上所有提出的業界意見和解決方案可以並且必須能在整個城市實施。 香港太陽能應用協會非常榮幸參與主持這次關於採取氣候行動的重要會議。​

立即採取氣候行動需要採取許多戰略:電力供應(住宅,商業,工業)公用事業規模的太陽能;為經濟提供電力(交通,住宅,企業,建築物);公共支持(社交媒體,大眾媒體,教育); 個人行動(可再生能源機會,能源效率,電動汽車)。所有人都應該專注於在未來五年內採取有意義的行動。


The HK-SOLAR 2019 Conference will be held in Hong Kong for taking climate action. Hong Kong has enaced climate policies that have provided some hand in the growth of solar power and community solar but was too limited. But the strategies and solutions that will be presented at the conference can – and must – be implemented across the city. HK-Solar is pleased to host this important conference on taking climate action.

Many strategies will be necessary to take immediate climate action: Electricity supply (residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale solar; electrifying the economy (transportation, homes, businesses, buildings); public support (social media; popular press, education); personal actions (renewable energy opportunities; energy efficiency, electric vehicles). All focused on taking meaningful action within the next five years.

Of course, the HK-Solar traditions for learning and networking will be included in the conference: Opening Reception, Caucus, society Education and Annual Membership Meeting, Awards Banquet and Fellows Reception.

HK-Solar is looking forward to organizing a variety of ancillary events to offer, from the electric vehicle display to the solar-powered products to technical training programs, solar-powered society, and more, to a birth of the Solar Energy Society in Hong Kong.

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